Thursday, February 5, 2009

Slouching in Singapore

Well, not quite slouching. More, lying here on my bunk, with Jojo opposite playing away on his iTouch. We left our dingy hotel room 3 minutes from Auckland airport approx. 20 hours ago. Qantas all the way. Pretty smooth transition, nevertheless a little tiring. I got to watch 4 new movies I'd never seen before. Firstly, quite a moving piece called a Flash of Genius - well worth the watch - 7/10, then Body of Lies - kind of rehash of a thousand old espionage movies, enjoyable nevertheless - 6/10, Ghost Town - was in hysterics. Was never really a Ricky Gervais fan, although I take it all back. Well scripted. Good fun - 7.5/10 and finally one that the name slips my mind, oh yes, Death Race - eh, well the name kind of says it. Watchable... if you happen to be snowed in and the cable is out and your only other option is an Arnie or Vandamme flick - 4/10.

Delighted with Qantas planes and their meals. I always feel so privilged in this day and age when I get something free on a plane. To be honest I think their food is top notch. Perhaps I'm just easily pleased or something, although it topped off the three/four movies, we had three tasty dinners. Very delicious. Planes are nastily cramped in Economy on the 747s. We got from Auckland to Sydney with no hitches. Our connecting flight was just as easy. We arrived in Singapore 15 mins before expected. Jojo hates. Let me repeat that in case you didn't understand. HATES airplanes. With a passion. After his total 10 hours flying today he was a little tense and tired. We began having a domestic onboard nearing the end of the flight. Realised what was going on with stress levels and energies and we took a step back and smiled at each other. He was totally burnt, as we stood aimlessly in the vast Terminal 2 building searching for an internet connection. Immigration was a doddle, unlike the advice we had being given by Qantas ground staff the day before. Another story.

I arrived back to the patiently waiting Jojo, from the free internet in McDs. now with our hostel location map photographed in my iPhone. We took an elevator to the MRT Train platform. Took a photo buying our tickets and jumped onboard. One transfer and 20 mintues later we were climbing the stairs of the Sky Orchid Hostel in Lor 27 in Geyland. The lady working there, after a minute of confusion booked us in and showed us to our dorm rooms. The hostel is small, super clean and modern. There was a friendly feel from everyone I saw since entering. Our four bed dorm had a/c and was perfect. TV gets turned off at 11pm to keep the noise down. We logged on to the free WIFI and now I'm here.

1 comment:

TJ said...

Am so enjoying your blog. Say Hi to Jojo for me. Glad all is well with you both.
